Multidisciplinary Artist

Sebastián Hidalgo
Multidisciplinary Artist
Hidalgo’s work continues to reflect upon his interest in subconscious messaging and the tension between memory and imagination.
Gary Baseman
Multidisciplinary Artist
Gary Baseman (born September 27, 1960) is an American artist, cartoonist, and animator who investigates history, heritage, and the human condition (especially love, longing, and loss).
Damien Hirst
Multidisciplinary ARtist
Damien Steven Hirst is an English artist and art collector. He is one of the Young British Artists (YBAs) who dominated the art scene in the UK during the 1990s. He is reportedly the United Kingdom's richest living artist.
Pedro Lasch
Visual artist and Professor.
Pedro Lasch (Mexico/US/Germany) is a visual artist, Duke University professor, and Social Practice Lab director at The Franklin Humanities Institute.
Stefan Brüggemann
Spanning—and sometimes combining—sculpture, video, painting, and drawing, Stefan Brüggemann’s work deploys text in conceptual installations rich with acerbic social critique and a post pop aesthetic. Born in Mexico City and working between Mexico, London and Ibiza, the artist’s oeuvre is characterized by an ironic conflation of Conceptualism and Minimalism. I