Rev(b)elada. Vivian Maier fotógrafa.

Rev(b)elada. Vivian Maier, fotógrafa (de febrero a mayo 2024). Primera exhibición de Vivian Maier en México. Niñera y fotógrafa autodidacta, descubierta en 2007, que ha cautivado al mundo. Desarrolló un estilo único de autorrepresentación y que, de paso, registró singulares imágenes de la niñez y la cotidianidad urbana de las ciudades de Nueva York y Chicago, así como las desigualdades sociales y económicas, de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.

Event Details
  • Start Date
    February 9, 2024 10:00 AM
  • End Date
    May 19, 2024 6:00 PM
  • Status
  • Location
  • Address
    06300, Av. Hidalgo 45, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Guerrero, Cuauhtémoc, 06300 Ciudad de México, CDMX

Vivian Maier (1926–2009) was an American street photographer whose work gained posthumous acclaim for its exceptional quality and insightful depiction of everyday life. Born in New York City, Maier spent much of her life working as a nanny for various families in Chicago. Despite her humble occupation, she had a passion for photography, capturing candid moments during her off-duty hours.

Maier's photographic work remained virtually unknown during her lifetime, and it wasn't until after her death that her extensive body of work was discovered. In 2007, a collector named John Maloof purchased a box of Maier's negatives at a local auction, unknowingly acquiring a treasure trove of photographic art. As Maloof began to explore the contents of the box, he recognized the exceptional talent and keen observation skills displayed in Maier's photographs.

Vivian Maier's work predominantly consists of black-and-white street photography, capturing scenes of urban life, portraits, and self-portraits. Her images showcase a keen eye for composition, light, and the human condition. Maier had a knack for capturing the essence of her subjects, often revealing a sense of mystery and introspection.

The documentary film "Finding Vivian Maier" (2013) brought further attention to her life and work. It explores the discovery of her photographs and the complexities of Maier's personality. The film shed light on the enigmatic and private life she led, revealing her as an intensely private individual who kept her photographic endeavors largely hidden from those around her.

Vivian Maier's work has since been exhibited worldwide, and her story has become a compelling narrative in the history of street photography. Her photographs continue to captivate audiences, not only for their artistic merit but also for the unique story of a woman who quietly observed the world through her lens, leaving behind a remarkable legacy in the realm of documentary photography.

Event Details
  • Start Date
    February 9, 2024 10:00 AM
  • End Date
    May 19, 2024 6:00 PM
  • Status
  • Location
  • Address
    06300, Av. Hidalgo 45, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Guerrero, Cuauhtémoc, 06300 Ciudad de México, CDMX