Alla Prima Landscape Painting (Online Course) Summer 2024 w/ Al Gury


July 8 to August 12 (Mondays), 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Eastern Time

**All sessions are live and will be recorded, students do not have to be present. All recordings will be available to students for 3 months after the final session, after 3 months the recording will be deleted.

Please check your email spam/junk folder for your Zoom invite.

Course Description

An in-depth approach to the skills, materials, colors, history, and techniques of direct landscape painting.

Working from photographs, master works, or available on-site images, learn concepts that will not only improve your landscape painting but also grow your confidence in your artistic practice.

Each class includes Q&A, technical information, a video demo and topical projects to be critiqued by the instructor on Padlet.

Open to all media and levels of experience.

Course Outline

Week 1 –

Introduction, materials, palettes.

First project: Master Copy.

Week 2 –

Composition and analysis of composition, use of the palette, limited palette exercise, brushwork and depth/perspective and texture.

Second Project: Limited Palette Painting.

Week 3 –

Full Palette exercise/Brushwork and composition continued.

Exercise 3: Full Palette Landscape; Problem Solving.

Week 4 –

Traditions of tonality and light, differing kinds of light as it impacts color choices and mixtures.

Exercise 4: Choose a Light Source and Tradition of Color and Approach – Impressionism vs Tonalism.

Week 5 –

Post Impressionism, and Expressionist approaches to landscape.

Week 6 –

Choosing aesthetic approaches in landscape and building your voice. Contemporary Landscape Painting examined.

Exercise 5: Choose a Stylistic Approach.


Course Materials List

Basic classic palette for oil, acrylic or watercolor and pastel.

Yellow Ochre

Raw Umber

Burnt Sienna

Ivory Black

Cadmium Yellow Light

Cadmium Red Medium

Permanent Rose

Ultramarine Blue

Chromium Oxide Green

Dioxazine Purple

Titanium White

Additional optional colors:

Burnt Umber

Mars Violet

Green Earth

Cadmium Orange

Phthalo Blue

Cadmium Green

Cerulean Blue

Zinc white

Lead White


Gessoed painting surfaces, 8X10-11X14, watercolor and pastel pads of choice.

Basic color surfaces are white, gray, tan. These can be opaque or transparent imprimaturas.

Containers for oil and thinners or water (Preferably metal or heavy plastic. Not glass because they break)

Palette for mixing colors (Disposable, wood, metal, etc.)

Linseed oil for oil paints

Brushes for oil, watercolor or acrylic. (3-4 well shaped and flexible bristle brushes)

Paper towels

View finder for compositional choices

Sketchbook for thumbnail sketches.

Pastel or watercolor paper if needed

Event Details
Event Details