En este taller de 3 días intensivos, los alumnos aprenderán a pintar al óleo el retrato de una persona mayor utilizando una referencia fotográfica de alta calidad (impresa o en tablet). El enfoque estará en dominar formas, modelado y texturas visuales mediante cargas y veladuras. Abarcaremos:
• Trazado inicial (calca o boceto directo) y primeras manchas para estructurar figura y fondo.
• Construcción del retrato con cargas pictóricas, luces, sombras y detalles iniciales.
• Modelado y aplicación de veladuras para definir luces, sombras y texturas.
Ideal para profundizar en la técnica del retrato de adulto mayor al óleo.
$7000 público en gral
$6400 alumnos
Alejandro Barron was born in Mexico City in 1980. He has traveled through Mexico and Europe, but has always lived in Mexico City. Barron is a self-taught painter and has never had any formal training in the oil painting process. He studied at the Escuela Nacional de Arte Plásticas in Mexico City, but his focus was on academics and learning the craft of lithography, while there. One of his early important influences in painting was the work of Johann Heinrich Fussli, whose paintings favored the supernatural.Barron is very attracted to the painting style of the seventeenth century, particularly tenebrism, also called dramatic illumination. Tenebrism is a style of painting using very pronounced chiaroscuro, where there are violent contrasts of light and dark and darkness becomes a dominating feature of the image. Barron is also influenced by the Academy of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Currently, his work is inspired by the circus world of the nineteenth century, with a particular emphasis on the anomalies, which confront our notion of normalcy and order. For Barron, the circus is a metaphor of life.Recurring themes in his work include the forbidden, erotic, sublime, and tragic. In his paintings, Alejandro intends to combine the everyday with the bizarre, which can take on a variety of forms. He introduces the unexpected into reality, which can be both abnormal, as well as parallel to the world as we visualize it.In his free time, Alejandro Barron enjoys going to antique markets, museums and art galleries. He enjoys music, fine whiskey, good beer, food of all kinds, and reading. Most of Alejandro’s friends are artists, and he delights in the exchange of ideas and opinions that enrich him as an artist.
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