
Julio César “Vamphiro”
Miguel Casco
VIsual Artist
A magna cum laude graduate in Fine Arts from the University of the Americas Puebla, he also holds a master's in Information Design. He further honed his skills at CENIDIAP's "Art and Sign" seminar and Atelier Mesones' oil painting workshops.
Henrik Uldalen
Edward Povey
Edward Povey is an English painter and writer and has collectors in twenty countries. He lives like one born skinless in a rough world, but finds comfort in his studio and at his laptop. His work circles human beings, their vulnerability and complexity.
Eloy Morales
Eloy Morales nació en 1973, en Madrid. Comenzó a experimentar y explorar el mundo de la pintura cuando tenía cuatro años. Es licenciado en Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Phil Hale
Philip Oliver Hale (born 1963) is an American figurative painter who currently resides in London, England.
Andrés Fidel
Poeta, Pintor y Fotógrafo Andrés Fidel se crió en la Ciudad de México, lugar donde reside hoy en día.