Speaker Listing 3

Edward Povey
Edward Povey is an English painter and writer and has collectors in twenty countries. He lives like one born skinless in a rough world, but finds comfort in his studio and at his laptop. His work circles human beings, their vulnerability and complexity.
Eloy Morales
Eloy Morales nació en 1973, en Madrid. Comenzó a experimentar y explorar el mundo de la pintura cuando tenía cuatro años. Es licenciado en Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Phil Hale
Philip Oliver Hale (born 1963) is an American figurative painter who currently resides in London, England.
Gary Baseman
Multidisciplinary Artist
Gary Baseman (born September 27, 1960) is an American artist, cartoonist, and animator who investigates history, heritage, and the human condition (especially love, longing, and loss).
Damien Hirst
Multidisciplinary ARtist
Damien Steven Hirst is an English artist and art collector. He is one of the Young British Artists (YBAs) who dominated the art scene in the UK during the 1990s. He is reportedly the United Kingdom's richest living artist.
Daniel Lezama
Daniel Lezama (born in 1968 in Mexico City) is a contemporary Mexican artist based in Mexico City.[1][2] He is known for his sometimes disturbing fantastic compositions constituted by highly realistic representations of Mexican people juxtaposed in strange dream-like situations and with strong symbolic meanings connected to Mexican history and traditions.
Andrés Fidel
Poeta, Pintor y Fotógrafo Andrés Fidel se crió en la Ciudad de México, lugar donde reside hoy en día.
Erin Raedke
Erin Raedeke received her MFA from American University in 2009 and her BFA in Painting from Indiana University Bloomington in 2000. She also studied at the Maryland Institute College of Art.
La Infinita Compañía
La Infinita Compañía es ahora de suma relevancia para las artes escénicas de México, al diseñar proyectos que demuestran ser viables en tanto benefician a la comunidad y contribuyen a resarcir el tejido social en nuestra ciudad.
Nicolás Guzmán
José Nicolás Guzmán challenges us to reconsider the materiality, composition, and act of seeing when it comes to art
Rafael Barrvl
Gitano, pintor y adicto al café.
La Orquesta Filarmónica de la UNAM (OFUNAM), fundada en 1936, es una de las orquestas más importantes de México, y su sede es la Sala Nezahualcóyotl, en Ciudad Universitaria.