TURNO – Exposición por Jess Tolbert.
Av. Juárez 101-C
Sábado 10 de Agosto del 2024
La práctica de Jess Tolbert reconsidera productos y materiales manufacturados y cotidianos como objetos portables e íntimos. Esta dualidad examina cómo lo hecho industrialmente y lo artesanal desafían nuestra relación nostálgica, imaginada y real con el trabajo, el entorno construido/mantenido y la identidad. Utilizando e inspirándose en lo aparentemente común, Jess cierra la brecha entre modos dispares de creación para considerar el papel que juegan los materiales, los procesos y las personas en la producción de cosas y espacios.
Jess Tolbert’s practice reconsiders manufactured, everyday products and materials as wearable and
intimate objects. This duality considers how the industrially made and the handcrafted challenge our
nostalgic, imagined, and actual relationship with labor, the built/maintained environment, and identity.
Utilizing and inspired by the seemingly commonplace, Jess bridges the gap between disparate modes of making to consider the role material, process, and people play in the production of things and spaces.
Jess’ work lives a seemingly incongruous, yet connected, life. Upon first glance we understand visual signifiers about the forms presented – it is jewelry. Jewelry as an inherently social form of art often
represents wealth, status, and/or affiliation, but also individuality, and thus identity. Considered closer, the
material and process in the wearable artwork captures something hidden. Tolbert’s hand in repetitive
actions and processes related to traditional craft are revealed alongside those of the maker of the products being used as raw material for the final work. Pins and necklaces become like badges or nametags,
indicating involvement, identity, and purpose through their recognizable forms and the material’s associate
Jess Tolbert is an artist, curator, and educator based in El Paso, Texas. They received both their MFA and
BFA with a focus in jewelry and metalsmithing. Jess’ work is recognized and exhibited nationally and internationally, including numerous awards.
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