Carlos Vielma
Born in Saltillo, in the northeast of Mexico near the Mexican-American border, he studied architecture and currently works with painting, sculpture, video and installation, subjects like the longing and the border.
He has been awarded with the FONCA scholarship for young creators and has been an artist in residence in Skowhegan in Maine, the Banff Center in Canada, also in the National University of Colombia in Bogota and in Casa Wabi in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, among others.
Recently he was honored as a member of the National system of creators (SNCA) and is currently living and working between Mexico City and Houston Texas where he is currently a fellow at the CORE Program at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Carlos Vielma
Nacido en Saltillo, en el noreste de México cerca de la frontera con Estados Unidos, estudio arquitectura y actualmente trabaja con pintura, escultura, video e instalación temas como la frontera y el anhelo.
Ha sido acreedor a la Beca Jóvenes Creadores por el FONCA, también ha realizado residencias artísticas en Skowhegan en Maine, en el Centro Banff en Canadá, en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en Bogotá y en Casa Wabi en Puerto Escondido, México, entre otras.
Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte y vive y trabaja entre la Ciudad de México y Houston, Texas, donde es becario del CORE Program para el Museo de Bellas artes de Houston.
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