El desayuno:
Alborada húmeda de una piel adormecida.
Es el rocío de una mañana el que recorre y despabila nuestra epidermis censurada, un despertar líquido que nos brinda Miguel Casco, artista mexicano, quien presenta para el Museo Iconográfico del Quijote “El desayuno”. Este proyecto multidisciplinario, en continuo desarrollo, nace desde el happening y transita hacia la pintura figurativa, acompañado de soportes documentales textiles y audiovisuales.
Seguramente, en primera instancia, reconoceremos la influencia iconográfica de la deidad Baco en la obra de Casco, ya que a lo largo de la historia del arte se ha manifestado en múltiples escenas rituales y de celebración. Pero ¿hemos reflexionado sobre la principal “herramienta” de dichos actos? Veamos al cuerpo plasmado en las obras como si fuese el nuestro, no como medio para alcanzar un fin sino como un todo desde la autoexploración, el autoconocimiento y el disfrute que puede o no ligarse a lo sexual.
Dejemos de ser cuerpos dormidos y tomemos un baño de vino que deje un vestigio de nuestros actos libertadores. Previo a lo comunal, iniciemos la toma de conciencia desde nuestra propia piel, barrera y enlace entre lo físico y lo emocional que nos contiene y rodea.
Hiram Silva Velasco
El Desayuno:
Alborada húmeda de una piel adormecida.
It is the dew of a morning that runs through and awakens our censored epidermis, a liquid awakening given to us by Miguel Casco, a Mexican artist, who presents for the Iconographic Museum of Don Quijote, El Desayuno. The ever-developing multidisciplinary project is born from the happening and transforms into figurative painting, accompanied by textile and audiovisual documentary.
At first glance, we recognize the iconographic influence of the deity Bacchus in Casco’s work. Bacchus has been present throughout the History of Art and has been manifested itself in multiple ritual and celebratory scenes. But have we reflected on the principal tool used for these acts? Let us see the body that is captured in the artworks as our own, not to obtain something, instead, a total self-exploration, self-knowledge, and enjoyment that may or may not be linked to sexuality.
Let’s stop being sleeping bodies and take a wine bath that leaves a vestige of our liberating acts. Before considering ourselves as a collective entity, individual awareness must begin from our skin, the barrier, and the link between the physical and emotional worlds which contain and surround us.
Hiram Silva Velasco
Miguel Casco
Visual artist, cultural manager, information designer, photographer, and museographer.
A magna cum laude graduate in Fine Arts from the University of the Americas Puebla, he also holds a master’s in Information Design. He further honed his skills at CENIDIAP’s “Art and Sign” seminar and Atelier Mesones’ oil painting workshops.
Since 2021, he serves on the Advisory Council of his alma mater’s School of Arts and Humanities and teaches at Sunland Artistic High School in Mexico City. Deputy director at the Museum of the Chancellery since 2019, he has curated over 40 exhibitions.
His painting career features solo and group exhibitions like “Send Nudes” and “Playground.” His work explores corporeality and pictorial illusionism, challenging norms around nudity, coexistence, and censorship.
Recipient of several art awards, he founded Atelier Mesones in 2017 and Salón Mesones (formerly lagalerí_a) in 2020. He is based in the Historic Center of Mexico City.
Curaduría Hiram Silva
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