Monterrey is known as a heavily industrialized city, an economic hub, with a landscape filled with maquiladoras (a type of factory, widespread in Mexico, that imports raw materials tariff-free for the production of goods) and factories where issues such as the feminization of labor, discrimination, precarious conditions, and gender-based violence are prominent.
We’re glad to have you at Galeria Gotixkoa, Monterey with the project “Women at Work – Crossroads, Rhythms and Continuities”, on the 15th of August, starting 7PM with special lecture performances on 15th to 18th of August by Simona Deaconescu and Flor Firvida Martin at 8PM. The exhibition will be open between 5th of August until 6th of September, 9AM to 6PM.
This project is cofinanced by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the Cantemir Programme – a funding framework for cultural projects intended for the international environment. The Romanian Cultural Institute cannot be held responsible for the content of this material.
La ciudad de Monterrey es conocida como un área altamente industrializada, un centro económico donde problemas como la discriminación, las condiciones precarias y la violencia de género son prominentes.
Nos complace tenerte en Galeria Gotixkoa, Monterey con “Women at Work — Crossroads, Rhythms, and Continuities”, el 15 de agosto a partir de las 7PM, con actuaciones especiales de conferencias del 15 al 18 de agosto a cargo de Simona Deaconescu y Flor Firvida Martin de las 8PM. La exposición estará abierta del 5 de agosto al 6 de septiembre, de 9AM a 6PM.
Este proyecto es cofinanciado por el Instituto Cultural Rumano a través del Programa Cantemir, un marco de financiación para proyectos culturales destinados al ámbito internacional. El Instituto Cultural Rumano no se hace responsable del contenido de este material.
Curator: Alexandra Manole
Story-tellers: María, Candelaria, Geta, Cassandra, Petra, Larisa, Elvira, América, Billie Rose, Nina y Gabi.