September 12 to October 10 (Thursdays), 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Eastern Time
**All sessions are live and will be recorded, students do not have to be present. All recordings will be available to students for 3 months after the final session, after 3 months the recording will be deleted.
Please check your email spam/junk folder for your Zoom invite.
Course Description
Interpret a still life and delve into the mystery of reality.
Use the logic of the pictorial process and discover the advantages of working in several sessions letting the paint dry. We will talk about the importance of learning to simplify and construct images schematically. We will work on the knowledge of color harmony and discover the brushstroke as a fundamental technical resource to create expressive elements.
This class will help you discover how to introduce your pictorial knowledge to the subject of still life. Working from life has many advantages because we can enjoy the best colors and the richness and surface textures of real-world objects.
In addition, we will reinforce the practical work with the analysis of the work of some master painter.
Course Outline
2.5 hours of online instrucSon in 5 days.
DemonstraSons will be shown on days 1-4.
Slideshows and examples of the works of other arSsts and also with the works of Miguel Coronado.
Students will be able to work from life since it is the main objective of the course. This situation offers ideal working conditions in terms of color quality and the rest of the information that the real world offers.
The student who prefers it will be able to work from photographs. The teacher can provide some reference photographs. The student can use his or her own photographs as long as they are of acceptable quality, avoiding excessive contrasts and an adequate color balance.
Week 1 –
Talk about the language of painting with images of the work of some painting masters. It includes images that explain what my painting process is like with examples of some specific works. I will also show images of finished paintings with the still life theme.
First demo section. Questions and explanations about how to continue with the process.
Week 2 –
Critique of the work done by the student, second demo section, images of other processes. Questions and explanations about how to continue with the process.
Week 3 –
Critique of the work done by the student, third demo section, images of other processes. Questions and explanations about how to continue with the process.
Week 4 –
Critique of the work done by the student, fourth demo section, images of other processes. Questions and explanations about how to continue with the process.
Week 5 –
Critique and slideshow of examples from other artists. Questions and sharing of the course experience.